We are all here to evolve. To use life’s challenges to discover who we really are. To manifest our unique gifts. To leave this world just a little bit different from how we found it….


For much of my early life I was confused. I had no idea what I wanted to do when I 'grew up'. I relied on the outside world to guide me. Now I look back and understand that no experience was wasted, everything was a rehearsal for the place that I find myself in now. That makes the confusion and the questioning worthwhile. Everything, I now understand, served its purpose.

Chris Partridge Butterfly

Making life easier to understand.

I was always told that I had an ability to make complicated things sound easy. After 25 years working as a transpersonal psychotherapist, I hope I have helped people find clarity, see meaning and unleash potential. By putting my experiences of being an 'emotional guide' into a book, I aspire to continue my work by connecting with others through the written word.

After the planetary ‘reset’ effects of the Coronavirus so many of us are looking at the world, and ourselves, in a different way. In my book I shine a new clarifying light on our earthly challenges by posing soul searching questions. And offer new ways of finding the answers. ‘Wake Up -What are your emotions really telling you?’ is an interactive guide to understanding your emotions in this post COVID-19 world.